The difference between "to prefer" and "to like" | ハヤイングリッシュアカデミー


The difference between "to prefer" and "to like"

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Do you know the difference between “to prefer” and “to like”?
When you compare two or more things, you use “to prefer” to show how you rank one over the other. Make sure you there are at least two things mentioned!
Q: Do you prefer coffee or tea?
A: I prefer tea (to/over) coffee. or A: I like coffee, but I prefer tea.
An important thing to know is, you don’t even have to like either option when you use “to prefer.” If you dislike one less than the other, you can still use “to prefer”!
Q: Do you prefer coffee or tea?
A: I don’t really like either, but I prefer tea.
Hope that helps!

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