すき時間で英語力アップ!楽しい英語なぞなぞ @奈良王寺
2014年11月23日7:00 AM カテゴリー:すきま時間で英語力をアップ
【HAYAの朝クイズ”What am I ?” (私はだぁ~れ?)】
Wake up your brain with a quiz from HAYA!
You have to pay me to the government when you buy goods and services.
When you go shopping at a 100-yen shop, you pay 108 yen.
The 8 yen is me.
What am I?
a) Decrease
b) Tax
c) Increase
You have to pay me to the government when you buy goods and services.
When you go shopping at a 100-yen shop, you pay 108 yen.
The 8 yen is me.
What am I?
a) Decrease(減少)
b) Tax(税)
c) Increase(増加)
A: b) Tax
本日はLabor Thanksgiving Day(勤労感謝の日)!
ちなみに、所得税はincome tax! そして消費税はconsumption tax!