すき時間で英語力アップ!楽しい英語なぞなぞ | ハヤイングリッシュアカデミー



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【HAYAの朝クイズ”What am I ?” (私はだぁ~れ?)】
Wake up your brain with a quiz from HAYA!

I am a male parent.
In Japan, the third Sunday in June is my day.

What am I?

a) A father
b) A grandmother
c) A macho man

I am a male parent.
In Japan, the third Sunday in June is my day.

What am I?

a) A father(お父さん)
b) A grandmother(おばあちゃん)
c) A macho man(マッチョな人)

A: a) A father

来週月曜日は敬老の日(Respect for the Aged Day)!母の日(Mother’s Day)や父の日(Father’s Day)のように、Thank you!を伝える良い日ですね!