すきま時間で英語力アップ!楽しい英語なぞなぞ 奈良王寺
2014年6月19日12:00 PM カテゴリー:すきま時間で英語力をアップ
【HAYAの朝クイズ”What am I ?” (私はだぁ~れ?)】
Wake up your brain with a quiz from HAYA!
I am the sixth month of the year.
People prefer to get married in me.
What am I?
a) Friday
b) July
c) June
I am the sixth month of the year.
People prefer to get married in me.
What am I?
a) Friday(金曜日)
b) July(7月)
c) June(6月)
A: c) June
Congratulations to many happy brides in June!!