お花見会話を英語で <英語編1> | ハヤイングリッシュアカデミー


お花見会話を英語で <英語編1>

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  Conversation Start!    

Monkey (M): Recently, the weather’s been beautiful right?
Lion (L): Yeah, I feel warm and comfortable.
M: How much hot will it be in December?
L: It will be too hot.
M: These warm days make me light headed!
L: Yeah, me too.
M: Let’s go and see the cherry blossoms and have lunch!
L: Good! Let’s go! Where do we go?
M: Mmm…How about Nara park?
L: Great! I’ve never been to Nara Park.
M: That’s a shame! Let’s go to Nara Park! There are a lot of cherry blossoms and deer. If we have time, we can visit the famous temples.
L: Yeah! That’s a good idea! Strike while the iron is hot! Let’s make rice balls!!!!
M: OK! I’ll make my special rice balls!


They started preparing for their cherry blossoms viewing party. What will happen next?
L: What’s this? Nara pickles? I‘ve never eaten any. Mmm, let’s put them into the rice balls.


$奈良の英会話スクールでレッスンや子供の英語教室なら HAYA English Academy (ハヤ イングリッシュ アカデミー)のブログ-4月のライオン ←お花見日和ですね。ライオンちゃんは、まだ酔っ払い前かな?
