祝☆第1回☆ Let's cook in English! | ハヤイングリッシュアカデミー


祝☆第1回☆ Let's cook in English!

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5月17日、無事に第1回 Let’s cook in English!を開催することができましたトマトさんトマトさんトマトさん
The first Cooking in English was only a taste of what’s to come! Many wonderful students came and enjoyed delicious food as well as friendly English conversation both with a native speaker and their fellow classmates. The warm atmosphere of the cooking studio and table settings made casual conversation easy and approachable. Exchanges varied from the instructors asking for present progressive answers (…______ing) to assure student comprehension of current actions and vocabulary, to simple and friendly questions about the flavors of the food and likes and dislikes.
Next time, we hope to involve students with more hands-on experience, using English directly with actions and materials as to make the learning process of cooking AND speaking English an easy and fun way to enjoy the best of both worlds.

短期間で英会話が上達する英語教室ならHAYA English Academy
Yahoo ロコプレイス HAYA English Academy
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