すきま時間で英語力アップ!楽しい英語なぞなぞ @奈良王寺
2015年3月18日7:00 AM カテゴリー:すきま時間で英語力をアップ
【HAYAの朝クイズ”What am I ?” (私はだぁ~れ?)】
Wake up your brain with a quiz from HAYA!
When you wake up, you look at the sky to see me
and decide what to wear today.
You also decide if you need to bring an umbrella or not.
What am I?
a) The earth
b) The weather.
c) The Mona Lisa
When you wake up, you look at the sky to see me
and decide what to wear today.
You also decide if you need to bring an umbrella or not.
What am I?
a) The earth(地球)
b) The weather(天気)
c) The Mona Lisa(モナリザ)