【HAYAクイズ"What am I ?" (私はだぁ~れ?)】英語なぞなぞ from奈良王寺 | ハヤイングリッシュアカデミー


【HAYAクイズ"What am I ?" (私はだぁ~れ?)】英語なぞなぞ from奈良王寺

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【HAYAの朝クイズ”What am I ?” (私はだぁ~れ?)】
Wake up your brain with a quiz from HAYA!


When people in Japan eat, they use me.
We can be made of wood or plastic.
We look like a pair of thin sticks.
What are we?
a) Scissors
b) Bananas
c) Chopsticks

When people in Japan eat, they use us.
We can be made of wood or plastic.
We look like a pair of thin sticks.
What are we?
a) Scissors(はさみ)
b) Bananas(バナナ)
c) Chopsticks(箸)
A: c) Chopsticks