【HAYAクイズ"What am I ?" (私はだぁ~れ?)】英語なぞなぞ from奈良王寺 | ハヤイングリッシュアカデミー


【HAYAクイズ"What am I ?" (私はだぁ~れ?)】英語なぞなぞ from奈良王寺

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【HAYAの朝クイズ”What am I ?” (私はだぁ~れ?)】
Wake up your brain with a quiz from HAYA!


When you go shopping you carry things in me.
I’m a container.
I can be big or small and made of leather, plastic, paper or fabric.
What am I?
a) An umbrella
b) A bag
c) A shell


When you go shopping you carry things in me.
I’m a container.
I can be big or small and made of leather, plastic, paper or fabric.
What am I?
a) An umbrella(傘)
b) A bag(カバン)
c) A shell(貝殻)
A: b) A bag
