アンドリュー・ローリー | ハヤイングリッシュアカデミー


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It is never too late to start!

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Favorite proverb
Breathe. It is a good word for remembering mindfulness throughout the day (zen mind).
Favorite music
The Blues Brothers
Favorite sports
Beach volleyball (doubles volleyball) and disc golf.
Favorite food
Filet mignon. With a baked potato. And salad.
What do you enjoy the most about teaching/ your job?
I really enjoy all the conversations I have with my students. It is the most fun part of my job, and it shows the students that their English ability is better than they thought.
  • 仕事をする上での信念は?


    I think some students are nervous at first, when they have to converse with a native English speaker. So I hope to always keep a friendly atmosphere and always remind my students when they are displaying more English ability than they realize. I hope that studying English is interesting and enjoyable, and does not feel like work.

  • これからのビジョンは?


    I hope I can always be a teacher in some way, and I look forward to improving my Japanese skills so I can enjoy more interesting conversations with all the great people I meet here!